Tagged: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

World Religions and Cults: Download Free Study

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The link above takes you to a study of world religions and cults, which some people call “alternative” faiths or other paths to God. Our stand will be on the truth of Jesus’ words in John 14:6, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” Is this view narrow-minded and outdated, as some suggest? Quite the contrary. The words Christ speaks are “spirit” and “life” (John 6:63). To disregard them is perilous. Yet many do.

There are roughly 1.3 billion Muslims worldwide, 820 million Hindus, 400 million Buddhists, 13 million Mormons, 7 million Jehovah’s Witnesses, and millions more engaged in other false religions, or no religion at all. By all appearances, these people are sincere. They want to know the truth and believe they have found it. How can so many people be wrong? This study answers that question — and many others regarding people’s quest for ultimate truth.

Through this study, we will look at many belief systems, from Islam to Scientology. In each case, we’ll examine the background of the “alternative” faith and compare its beliefs to what the Bible says. We also will discuss effective means of witnessing to people who embrace these false religions.

Our purpose is not to condemn anyone or to assume God’s role as sovereign judge of the universe; rather, it is to compare the teachings of the world’s major religions and cults with biblical, historical Christianity so that we might be more effective in praying for and witnessing to the lost, and wiser in our ability to discern false doctrines. Every person, regardless of his or her religious beliefs, is precious in the eyes of God and is someone for whom Christ died. Our attitude as we study these false religious systems should be one of humility, love, and grace.

The words of the apostle Paul are clear: Those who are not grounded in the Word of God are subject to deceptive teachings about “another Jesus … a different spirit … a different gospel.” Every world religion and every cult that we study professes belief in Jesus and has an exalted place for Him in its theology. But without exception, each of these belief systems fails to correctly answer the key question Jesus asked in Matt. 16:15: “Who do you say that I am?” They also have false views of the Holy Spirit and without exception embrace a works-based doctrine of salvation.

Paul warned Christians in Acts 20:29-31: “I know that after my departure savage wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock. And men from among yourselves will rise up with deviant doctrines to lure the disciples into following them. Therefore be on the alert …” Our prayer is that this study will help protect you, your family and your church from false teachers who proclaim “another Jesus … a different spirit … and a different gospel.”

Copyright 2008 by Rob Phillips

Test Your Knowledge of World Religions and Cults

Think you know a lot about the differences between Christianity and other belief systems? Here’s a chance to test your knowledge — and have a little fun along the way. The answers are at the end of the exam.


1. Which of the following is not a Hindu scripture:

a) Rig Veda

b) Sama Veda

c) Yajur Veda

d) Darth Veda


2. True or false:

Islam is the second largest religion in the world – and one of the fastest growing.


3. True or false:

Buddhism has its roots in Hinduism but differs in many beliefs and practices.


4. The great dividing line between Judaism and Christianity is:

a) Kosher foods

b) The Sabbath

c) Mel Brooks

d) Jesus as Messiah


5. Who founded Scientology:

a) Tom Cruise

b) L. Ron Hubbard

c) E. Buzz Miller

d) Stephen Hawking


6. Which of the following religions is best summarized by the statement, “As man is, God once was; as God is, man may become:”

a) Hinduism

b) Christian Science

c) Mormonism

d) Humanism


7. A cult is best described as:

a)   A blue oyster

b)   A dead-end street

c)   Merchandise at Big Lots

d)   Counterfeit Christianity


8. Muhammad taught that Jesus (circle all that apply):

a) Was a great prophet

b) Was born of a virgin

c) Lived a sinless life

d) Died on the cross

e) Is coming back one day


9. The Jehovah’s Witnesses deny (circle all that apply):

a) Ever knocking on your door

b) The deity of Christ

c) The Trinity

d) Soul sleep

e) Eternal punishment in hell

f) Jesus’ invisible return in 1914


10. Who is Siddhartha Gautama?

a) Master of the pan flute

b) The explorer who discovered Guatemala

c) The founder of Buddhism

d) The real name of rapper Snoop Dogg


11. True or false:

Mary Baker Eddy, L. Ron Hubbard and Sun Myung Moon joined forces in 1984 to form what they claimed was “perfect Christianity.” They called their new organization the Unification Church of Christian Scientology.


12. According to Mormon history, which of the following Jewish tribes crossed the Atlantic and became the ancestors of the American Indians:

a)   The Lamanites

b)   The Jebusites

c)   The Parasites

d)   The Kung Pao Buckaroos



1) d; 2) true; 3) true; 4) d; 5) b; 6) c; 7) d; 8) a, b, c, e; 9) b, c, e; 10) c; 11) false; 12) a


Learn more about world religions and cults


The Mormon Doctrine of Eternal Progression

The doctrine of eternal progression is central to Mormon beliefs and practices. The downloadable PDF chart illustrates the path “Heavenly Father” took to ascend to godhood, and is the same path faithful Mormons hope to follow in their quest for the Celestial Kingdom. Mormon teachings perhaps are best summarized in the words of fifth LDS president Lorenzo Snow: “As man is, God once was; as God is, man may become.” Many sources were helpful in putting this chart together, most significantly Utah Lighthouse Ministry.

The Mormon Doctrine of Eternal Progression (PDF)

Download package of articles on Mormonism (PDF)

The Mormon Doctrine of Salvation

Learn four important reasons why Christians should reject the Mormon doctrine of salvation:

1. It cheapens the work of Christ on the cross.

2. It promotes universalism.

3. It is man centered and works based.

4. It makes godhood, not Christlikeness, the goal.

Listen to or download part 1 of the audio file

Listen to or download part 2 of the audio file

Listen to or download part 3 of the audio file

Download package of articles on Mormonism (PDF)